Rajon Game of Skate Championship Trird Place goes to...
Game of Skate Championship Semi Finals
Nauris vs Madars
Game of Skate Championship Semi Finals
Edijs vs Fricis semi finals
Favorite tricks on Flat
We picked our favorite flatground tricks by Latvian skaters
Game of Skate Championship Round Three/Game Four
Heavy weight champs
Something a little bit more special
Game of Skate championship: Round Three/Game Three
Game of cold blooded skate continues
Rajon’s favorite videos from 2017
You know that a skate video is good if you:
The last one is the most important probably. You know that if you want to re-watch something, it is good. So, we bring you Rajon’s list of the most re-watched videos 2017.
Game of Skate Championship: Round Three/Game Two
Edijs Aizstrauts vs Armands Baumanis! Skateboarding is fun!
Online premiere: Onko se…?
Onko se Estonian Skate video?