First month of the new year is over! I hope you guys had a good time and are used to the number 19. For this month report video we don’t have much to show. Our man Pavel Berezjuk has sent some clips over from sunny Barcelona. He also had a birthday in January, so this report is his little birthday present! Some extra clips from Mr. Armandos skating in boots and our young friend Valters Luriņš made the cut as well. And, of course, as usually links below will provide some insights into what January 2019 was like in our part of the skate world. read more

OASIS premiere

oasis skate video

VEF, once a glorious factory with a product line ranging from telephones to airplanes, is nowadays a home to various businesses, offices and a night club among others. World famous in the previous century, VEF’s appliances were used all over the world from Cuba to Mongolia, and it provided jobs for 20 000 people at its peak performance times. After the collapse of the Soviet union, the demand for VEF’s products declined, the factory could not compete with imported electronic goods, and they were forced to shut down. read more