Commune DIY BD, Fully Ghetto, Sanya MIXTAPE, Pis Taisnak
Another month, another TOP 10
May 2019 Links

Viss Safe – our upcoming video has been announced in May and the premiere is coming in June. The first trailer is out, and if you still haven’t seen it, check it out. The cast of the film has not yet been disclosed, but it is probably obvious if you follow the local skate scene. We can say that Mark, the walling construction worker above, will have a section in the video. The video is at the editing stage at the moment, but it looks like it will be close to 40 minutes in length. So yeah, a lot of to see. We also plan more premieres, definitely want to hit Liepaja, Vilnius and maybe Tallinn. We’ll see.
I clearly remember three years ago skating in Gtiims in April and early May because it was always raining. This year April is so hot we are catching tan and fully skating outside filming street clips. It is definitely global warming; however, at least we are going to die after enjoying good weather.
For this month top 10 we finally gathered only street clips from our Baltic friends. Okay, in two clips skaters use some skatepark obstacles, but they skate them in the streets, or end up in the street after skating them (it will be clearer after watching).
Top ten from the first warm month! Mostly indoor clips though.
Meelis Erm – Tihemetsa
Meelis Erm shreds his (50km-away) local park.