Boys are not boys anymore! Prepare for some slow-mo early weekday morning game of skate! Nauris vs Davis!
Game of Skate Championship: Game Eight
Clockwise skateshop and Converse rider Rudolf Rorbahs vs mad scientist Arturs Paugurs!
Game skate championship: Game seven
Beef between Grundzāle and Koknese is real and has officially started after this game of skate! Linards vs Andis!
Intense days Ep.3
Intnese days ep.3 is here! It is a video magazine, kinda like 411 but worse...
Game of Skate Championship: Game Six
Can a skate coach beat a real street dog? Ex-skate coach vs over-chiller 2000! Armands Blumfelds vs Toms Leģers
Game of Skate Championship: Game Five
Differnt styles, diffrent tricks, different shops. Who is gonna get it? Arturs Bogdanovičs vs Kristofers Ozols! vs Tikari!
Rajon in Jurmala
We went to Jurmala to have our last session this year.
Game of Skate Champioship: Game Four
Veteran weekend continues! Egons Avots vs Arturs Gaugers!
Game of Skate Championship: Third game
Old vs Young! Wisdom vs Youth! Fathers vs Sons! Marcis Ruikis vs Arturs Nesaule!
September links
Looking back on September 2017!