When too many things pile up for posts, it is a good sign to make a quick links update. What happened in the past month of September and early days of October in Baltic skateboarding, see below.
Vote for Parks
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Riga skaters and other riding folks are in a dilemma right now. Three skatepark projects have been submitted for city finance competition. Asfalta berni have summarized this whole thing really well, as you can see above, Although you can vote only once, all three projects can win as 10 first places receive the money. Among those three you can recognize Marcis Ruiķis’ bowl project that we covered last year. There’s also an LSK project for a skatepark under a bridge in Mežaparks area. And a skatepark in Vecmilgravis, which as of now is in top 10. Voting takes up only couple of minutes and is available from 16 years old. Decide for yourself which project you want to support, but make sure to do it. Ask your family members and friends too. Also, everybody is welcomed tomorrow for a Game of Skate and best trick jam at the location of the skatepark at Mežaparks.
Riga City Ep. 10
Roberts Krums is on his way to create the most long lasting skate series in the history of our scene. For example, RajonTV’s own R City series lasted only three episodes. Rob’s episodes are normally filmed in one day and posted within a few days from filming which make these series a current reflection of what’s going on. With skateboarding and city vibes in the center of each episode, it is only episode 7 that takes a drift into French avant-garde. There’s no limits to what these episodes can be, but they for sure are a time capsule of Riga city and its enjoyers.
Hujak Flip
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Edgards Kalns and his mates (Liepājas Skrituļdēli) have been creating their version of skateboarding competition for some time now. Dubbed perfectly Hujakflip, this event embodies all of the best things about skateboarding: community, action, and anarchy. As Fricis described it, “it is a skateboarding moshpit.” Maybe a more in detail recap will follow.
Bunch of good Baltic skaters and filmers had (some still do) a connection with London at some point. Some examples could include Latvian Maksims Kalaneps who lived there around 2010s and filmed with Madars, Lithuanian Arturas Jendovickis resided and made videos there with Gytis Bliuvas, and Estonia’s Tim Prozorov spent some years there as well. Unlike others, Tim didn’t have a fellow countryman filmer there, but instead he made friends with Vincent Kelsey and they started filming. Eventually it all led to Vincent coming to Estonia, connecting with the local scene and making one video with representatives of both scene’s involved. And this is what Paradigm is. Familiar faces include Kaifuun Networks’ Siim Sild, Parnu’s Mikk Eeskivi and Tim who raises the bar for all Baltech enthusiasts.
Kelvinas on Supreme
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We all heard it was coming but still it was a surprise to see Vilnius’ own Kelvinas Litvinas in a Supreme insta video. And it was not a Supreme Baltics page, but the real deal. Some have tried but not many made it, Kelvinas had a spark from the start, so no wonder. Can’t wait to see more.
Phisch Market
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An online skateshop from Klaipeda called Phisch Market has put out this neat little clip to insta filmed by @_juostos and featuring Devin Talanov. Slappy bluntslide maneuvers are sick in this. We trying to figure out more about the Klaipeda scene, so maybe more info coming soon.
In September Vans Baltics has gather their team for a small tour. As far as we know this is a first time thing. RajonTV was invited to film the trip and Latvian Skate legend Herbe worked on the photos. We are editing the video right now, and it should come out next week. Stay tuned and check some photos from the trip over at Vans’ ig.
Trick of the month: Melon Fakie

During some events in September Karlis managed to shoot some melons. The transition he skates in these pica are not the easiest. Respect.
Have a dope weekend and see you in the streets.