First of all we would like to give a big shout out to VLND burger and Kaifuun Network for making cool stuff happen in Estonian skate scene. Keep it coming guys!
Past August, Estonian homies, who are always keen on traveling, went on a week long skate trip to Berlin. Crew consisted of Kristo Õismets, young guns Allan Raudsepp and Jeremy Vaask (try to tell them apart), and Siim Sild on the cam.
Do Germans even know where Estonia is? And what about the Baltics? Answers to these questions and more about the trip bellow in a quick Q/A with Siim, the author of the vid.
The title of the video makes an impression that you guys were a bit pissed off during the trip.
Well, if you watch the clip it’s something that a random drunk dude says right after he lands a kickflip in the middle of the night on Kristo’s board. But yeah, we were a bit pissed off that we couldn’t really skate that much because of the shitty weather, so it made sense to call the video like that. We had to do many return trips to spots that we had already been and we didn’t make it to some spots that we were really hoping to skate because of that. I don’t even know how many times everybody had just finished warming up and I had set up the camera and then after a few tries it started raining again. It was pretty mental.
Oh, even when we were like, ‘Fuck it, we just want to skate, let’s go to that Nike SB indoor park’, we were told at the door that because of Covid restrictions they’re full, and only letting in a small number of people that have made a reservation online. So, we ended up just sitting outside and drinking beers. And the icing on the top was that the following week it was sunny and 26 degrees…
Berlin seems like a trending destination, right? Seems like a lot of stuff going on there. How you did you guys like it there?
People are really open minded in Berlin and it’s a really diverse place. I think I’ve been there a couple of times now on different occasions and I’ve enjoyed it every single time. The others feel the same. People are minding their own business and aren’t so concerned with skaters making small scratches on some benches. There’s way weirder and sketchier stuff than skateboarding happening all the time haha. Personally, I couldn’t really skate because of a huge bruise I managed to get during Simple Session just a few days before our trip. So most of the skating I did was in my head which means that a second skate trip to Berlin definitely needs to happen.
You visited some of the popular skate spots there. Which did you like best?
I guess the most famous spots we skated were Warschauer Straße benches, Tetris blocks and Kulturforum. Out of those three I guess it has to be Kulturforum, because it had the most variety and the surrounding buildings had a lot of spots too. Although it might be a bit “overskated” so it’s quite hard to find something that hasn’t gone down there before. We were actually skating at Kulturforum at the same time a bunch of US skaters. They were chilling in Berlin before heading to CPH Open. So we saw some bangers on the ledge and down the double set – like switch varial heel and stuff.
Do people in Berlin know about Estonia or the Baltics?
I can’t really answer that one, because I think most of the skaters in Berlin were chilling indoors and hiding from the rain during the week we were there, haha. But on the rare occasion we saw some skaters, it felt like yeah they know about us, the Baltic people.
What makes you think that?
I guess they’re good at geography.

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